Cairo-Dock - 3.3.0: Version completed on the Sunday 15 September 2013
Miscellinious: - #324 : Mockup du fonction de recherche au Menu d'Applications
Theme Manager: - #318 : Improvement idea for the theme packager (by matttbe)
Cairo-Dock - 3.1.0: Version completed on the Monday 08 October 2012
Miscellinious: - #253 : Remove Glib deprecated functions
- #272 : Option to Place Taskbar next to Launcher (no separator) (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock API: - #282 : Can't use a fully transparent background for applets if the dock is hidden (by fabounet)
- #289 : Data-renderer (gauge and graph): memory leak at each redraw (by matttbe)
Config Panel: - #234 : Config panel: simple mode: to add the option to change the position of the taskbar (by fabounet)
- #251 : Unify config panel (simple mode of the main panel, panel to modify launchers and applets, 'about' panel and themes panel) (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock - 3.0.0: Version completed on the Sunday 15 April 2012
Miscellinious: - #224 : Something wrong and strange with the relative position
- #264 : Force a refresh after (un)plug an external screen (by fabounet)
- #259 : Take into account the window borders to compute the window surface for dock overlapping (by fabounet)
- #228 : A few errors in the sentences in the code (by matttbe)
Cairo Backend: - #244 : Iceberg: refresh bug with Cairo backend (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock API: - #247 : Recents-Events hidden by the main dock
- #238 : _cairo_dock_hide_dock_if_parent: infinite loop with a strange config...
- #261 : Hard to use a second dock just after its hidding effect (by fabounet)
- #240 : Some apps like LibreOffice seems to change their window class ? (by fabounet)
Feature Requests: - #265 : Show an indicator icon to user who is try to drop an icon on to a locked dock (by fabounet)
- #250 : Taskbar on a specific position (by fabounet)
OpenGL Backend: - #210 : Icon Effects and Illusion are disabled if we switch from OpenGL to Cairo and then to OpenGL backend (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock - 2.4.0: Version completed on the Tuesday 27 September 2011
Miscellinious: - #93 : After last update glx-dock (no open gl) just doesn´t work ok....
- #35 : Always show thumbnail / Always show thumbnail in subdock.
- #215 : Can't make custom launchers any more (+ Uppix problem)
- #197 : Changer l'icône de Qgisimpossible --> classe particulière
- #126 : Check that desklets can be fixed on 1 desktop
- #186 : Crash de cairo-dock ?
- #165 : Les dialogues sur la 2.3
- #208 : Rev 786/1994: config panel of the launchers/applets: no list on the left
- #176 : Tooltip Freeze: what about 2 dialogues...
- #164 : Window thumbnails and reloading the Icons config
- #174 : The dock is still zoomed when the cursor goes out of the dock on the left or on the right (by fabounet)
- #157 : Applis grouped by class lose their custom icon (by fabounet)
- #129 : Bug with UrgencyHint (by fabounet)
- #81 : Dialog box position problem with labels (by fabounet)
- #92 : Dock qui ne se cache plus après plein écran (by fabounet)
- #96 : Graphique : décalage de décoration non pris en compte (by fabounet)
- #204 : Handle crash on startup nicely (delay, etc) (by fabounet)
- #84 : Icons stacking in group (by fabounet)
- #91 : Issue with xinerama and multiple docks (by fabounet)
- #140 : La souris sur les côtés du dock (by fabounet)
- #90 : Petits bugs du jour (by fabounet)
- #58 : Separateur mal enligné avec vue Curve (by fabounet)
- #102 : Serious positioning problem with mode "appear on shortcut" (by fabounet)
- #156 : Sortie du curseur du dock pas prise en compte (dialogues bloquants notamment) (by fabounet)
- #73 : Sub-dock doesn't hide when clicking on if it leads to a desktop change (by fabounet)
- #151 : Subdock disappears before I can reach it (when dropping something onto the dock) (by fabounet)
- #175 : Used Unity menus given in .desktop (by fabounet)
- #60 : Gauges bars (by fabounet)
Cairo Backend: - #188 : Dock background when stretched wrongly drawn sometimes
- #103 : Applets reflections disappeared. (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock API: - #198 : Dialogues can be out of the screen
- #48 : Indicateur et effet rebond (by fabounet)
Config Panel: - #170 : Création de comptes mails
- #193 : Password Encryption => new widget
- #171 : Test: -d option with complete path and ~
- #104 : Launcher config panel doesn't handle the applet's custom widgets callback (by fabounet)
Default Theme: - #222 : 2.4.0: default theme: a few tiny changes (by matttbe)
Feature Requests: - #199 : Added an option to not connect to the download server (third-party applets)
- #160 : Pop-down on shortcut
- #158 : Aides diverses
OpenGL Backend: Theme Manager: - #202 : 2.4: Can't change themes
Cairo-Dock - 2.3.0: Version completed on the Friday 15 April 2011
Config Panel: - #99 : Plugin error adding mail account
Feature Requests:
Cairo-Dock - 2.2.0: Version completed on the Tuesday 25 May 2010
Miscellinious: - #70 : The time to do re-appear the dock can't work (by fabounet)
- #40 : 2.2 Edge hooking on multiple x screens (by fabounet)
- #39 : Adding folders (and their content to watch) crashes the dock (by fabounet)
- #4 : All icons of open applications are now smaller than the other icons (by fabounet)
- #9 : Auto-hide bug - hiding when it should stay up. (by fabounet)
- #75 : Make it so subdocks don't close if the mouse returns to them before they start to disappear (by fabounet)
- #37 : The space between text and border should be the same (by fabounet)
- #61 : [Question] Removing additional bars (by fabounet)
- #5 : Some of the descriptions in the Config Panel are now messed up (by matttbe)
- #22 : Replaced all g_print by cd_debug (by matttbe)
- #18 : Added man pages (by matttbe)
- #65 : [ArchLinux] Update AUR (cairo-dock & cairo-dock-plug-ins) (by Tofe)
Cairo Backend: - #50 : Bug fenêtre minimisée (by fabounet)
- #38 : Cairo backend: desklet => dock, icon isn't resized (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock API: - #51 : Applet AlsaMixer - on ne peut changer la décoration (by fabounet)
- #49 : Black bg on the right (by fabounet)
- #19 : Iceberg view (added the possibility to show a plug-in even if the hole dock is hidden) (by fabounet)
- #67 : Icon of 3.2 can't be customised (by fabounet)
- #32 : Lancer un script sous xterm retourne une erreur (by fabounet)
Config Panel: - #27 : Add proxy options directly inside the config panel (by fabounet)
Feature Requests: - #20 : "iceberg" mode (by fabounet)
- #36 : Added a GUI to easily change an icon for an application which doesn't have a launcher (by fabounet)
- #21 : Autohide / Smart Autohide (by fabounet)
- #56 : Buttons to enable some features of Gnome/Compiz/etc. (by matttbe)
OpenGL Backend:
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins - 3.2.0: Version completed on the Friday 15 March 2013
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins - 3.1.0: Version completed on the Monday 08 October 2012
Mail: - #284 : Mail: main icon: "..." instead of 0 with multiple accounts (by matttbe)
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins - 3.0.0: Version completed on the Sunday 15 April 2012
Miscellinious: - #252 : Enable GVFS support by default if it's available (by fabounet)
Dock-Rendering: - #254 : Sub-docks: slide view not centered
MusicPlayer: - #271 : MusicPlayer - MPRIS2 is not automatically used. (by matttbe)
- #277 : Cannot control Rhythmbox -- Ubuntu 12.04 (by matttbe)
StatusNotifier: - #267 : Status-Notifier: spaces between its icons? (by matttbe)
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins - 2.4.0: Version completed on the Tuesday 27 September 2011
Miscellinious: - #128 : Notification area position can't be locked
- #146 : Switcher layout is not the same as Compiz
- #206 : The dock crashes with the old systray in a dialog
- #64 : Zeitgeist!!!
- #112 : Few problems with box icon and Slide view with the Folders applet
- #114 : Messaging Menu has no labels in the menu (by fabounet)
- #11 : Replaced curl and wget commands by libcurl (by fabounet)
- #87 : System-monitor: cpu temp & fan (by fabounet)
- #173 : Log-out Applet: having the possibility to change the log-out emblem when restart is required (by matttbe)
Clipper: - #106 : Clipper : select first item in menu by default (by fabounet)
Composite-Manager: - #213 : Composite manager: middle click: switch ON/OFF the composite
DnD2Share: - #216 : Uppix has changed
- #211 : Uppix no longer works
- #143 : Can't upload text in Dnd2Share (pastebin) (by fabounet)
- #155 : Refresh manquant après upload via Dnd2share (by fabounet)
- #101 : Dns2Share broken for (by fabounet)
Folders: - #209 : Folder: a dialog to ask if the user wants to import the folder content
GMenu: - #182 : Check: triggering the GMenu with shortcut and hidden dock => dock stays hidden
Mail: - #109 : Mail Applet: add an option for the animation (type+duration) (by fabounet)
RSSreader: Shortcuts: - #122 : Disk info not found if the disk is mounted after CD has started (by fabounet)
Switcher: - #85 : Memory leak problem with Cairo-Dock. (by fabounet)
Weather: - #97 : Weather: add action open in a browser to menu and actions (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins - 2.3.0: Version completed on the Tuesday 15 March 2011
DnD2Share: - #116 : Dnd2Share - ajouter la gestion de UbuntuOne façon DropBox) (by fabounet)
- #187 : Ubuntuone doesn`t work (it has to wait for the end of the sync) (by matttbe)
Dock-Rendering: Doncky: - #7 : Doncky: crash when launching a new instance
Mail: - #119 : [Mail] Pre-configuration of accounts (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc.) (by matttbe)
Stack: - #150 : Add a dialog to handle dropped folders and files with Folders and Stack (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins - 2.2.0: Version completed on the Tuesday 25 May 2010
Miscellinious: - #14 : Some applets' handhook are empty (by fabounet)
- #23 : Replaced all g_print by cd_debug (by matttbe)
- #30 : Applet mail 1607 - Timeout no longer works, even like Preview and RSS status (by Tofe)
Clock: Dbus: - #41 : Added the possibility to unset SetQuickInfo in a launcher? (by fabounet)
Desklet-Rendering: - #62 : Slide View (desklets): scroll? (by Tofe)
Dock-Rendering: - #72 : Slide view broken in the latest beta (by fabounet)
Dustbin: GMenu: - #28 : V. 2.1.4-0beta1 crashes on starting KDE apps (by fabounet)
Keyboard-indicator: Mail: - #53 : Applet Mail - Le count des msgs n'est pas cohérent
- #1 : Strange bug with mail applet (by fabounet)
- #42 : Added the possibility to remove the sound when a new e-mail is received (by matttbe)
MusicPlayer: - #54 : Add a "show player" option in the menu when the player is in the systray (by fabounet)
- #59 : Gmusicbrowser not detected by musicPlayer (by matttbe)
- #12 : MusicPlayer does not support Guayadeque (by matttbe)
- #52 : MusicPlayer: DBus problems (by matttbe)
StatusNotifier: - #80 : StatusNotifer: no longer have the Cairo-Dock submenu when right clicking the dock (by fabounet)
Terminal: - #17 : Problems with Terminal applet: It ignores any configurations (by fabounet)
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins - 2.1.3: Version completed on the Saturday 03 April 2010
NetSpeed: - #29 : Bug avec l'applet netspeed
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins Extras - 3.2.0: Version completed on the Friday 15 March 2013
Miscellinious: - #313 : Thunderbird 1.0.2: 'Count messages in subfolders' options doesn't work
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins Extras - 3.1.0: Version completed on the Monday 08 October 2012
Miscellinious: - #305 : GTG applet is broken with GTG 0.2.9 (by matttbe)
Cairo-Dock Plug-Ins Extras - 2.3.0: Version completed on the Saturday 01 January 2011
Miscellinious: - #33 : Applet for GTG (Getting Things Gnome)
- #79 : Create a Lancelot Applet (by matttbe)