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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation Nothing happens after installation
The latest stable release is the *3.4.0* : How to install it here.
Note: We just switched from BZR to Git on Github! (only to host the code and your future pull requests)
Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Nothing happens after installation
Guest English 3 Guest [Read]
20 February 2016 à 09:00

Guest, Friday 19 February 2016 à 16:31

Hello !

Installed via repository, got a bin. Left click nothing, right click five lines with cairo-dock.

What to do next?

Thank you in advance !

Guest, Saturday 20 February 2016 à 08:58

!!! You're not logged in with a registered user and then when you'll not receive notifications when a new answer is available.

Don't forget the Anti-spam filter !!!

Guest, Saturday 20 February 2016 à 08:58

!!! You're not logged in with a registered user and then when you'll not receive notifications when a new answer is available.

Don't forget the Anti-spam filter !!!

Guest, Saturday 20 February 2016 à 09:00

Opened a terminal in ubuntu 15.10 and wrote cairo-dock :
abkadu@stefan:~$ cairo-dock
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/implementations/cairo-dock-egl.c:gldi_register_egl_backend:232)
Cairo-Dock was not built with EGL support

    Cairo-Dock version : 3.4.1
    Compiled date : Feb 19 2015 18:17:26
    Built with GTK : 3.14
    Running with OpenGL: 1

warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-utils.c:cairo_dock_launch_command_sync_with_stderr:260)
»/desktop/gnome/interface/font_name« wurde kein Wert zugewiesen

warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Super>L' (Abmelden: Bildschirm sperren)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Control>F12' (Abmelden: Das Abmeldemenü anzeigen)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Control>F10' (Kürzlich erfolgte Ereignisse: Letzte Ereignisse anzeigen oder verbergen)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
Cairo-Dock - Launcher API Daemon is already running (1665)
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Control>F1' (Anwendungsmenü: Das Anwendungsmenü anzeigen oder verbergen)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Control>F2' (Anwendungsmenü: Den Schnellstartdialog anzeigen oder verbergen)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Super>Return' (Mit der Tastatur steuern: Die Tastatursteuerung des Docks aktivieren oder deaktivieren)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Control>F6' (Schnellanzeiger: Das Ordnermenü anzeigen oder verbergen)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.4.1/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:init_object:358)
Couldn't bind '<Shift><Ctrl>F4' (Schreibtisch anzeigen: Alle Schreibtische anzeigen)
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
_cd_find_volume_name_from_drive_name: assertion 'pDrive != NULL' failed

Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Nothing happens after installation
Guest English 3 Guest [Read]
20 February 2016 à 09:00

Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation Nothing happens after installation Top

Online users :

Powered by ElementSpeak © 2007 Adrien Pilleboue, 2009-2013 Matthieu Baerts.
Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
Many thanks to TuxFamily for the web Hosting and Mav for the domain name.