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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation Runs but blackens most of my screen - Mint 17.4 & Xfce
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Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Runs but blackens most of my screen - Mint 17.4 & Xfce
rozen English 1 rozen [Read]
11 January 2016 à 15:19

rozen, Saturday 02 January 2016 à 04:54

Subscription date : 20 December 2009
Messages : 19
    • The version of Cairo-Dock ('cairo-dock -v' in a terminal).
    • Your GNU/Linux distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.).
Mint 17.3
    • Or you using OpenGL or not.
No OpenGL
    • Your Window manager (Compiz, Metacity, Kwin, Openbox, etc.).
    • Your Desktop Environment (Gnome, KDE, XFCE, etc.).


I just bought a ThinkServer T140 and installed Mint 17.3. I installed Cairo-Dock and though it works, a large are of the screen is black. I tried using my old .config/cairo-dock and it too lead to the black background but the applets worked. Somewhere I read a suggestion to install compton; did that but still black. My machine being a server did not come with a graphics board but has some motherboard graphics so I assume that OpenGL is not supported. I tried running both with and without OpenGL and got the same result.

Would a graphics card with proprietary driver supporting OpenGL help my situation?

CD is really part of the way I approach my machine and I would really like to have it; it's in my fingers.

I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks in Advance,


rozen, Monday 11 January 2016 à 15:19

Subscription date : 20 December 2009
Messages : 19
I installed a low end graphics card, EVGA 8000, and it now works fine

Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Runs but blackens most of my screen - Mint 17.4 & Xfce
rozen English 1 rozen [Read]
11 January 2016 à 15:19

Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation Runs but blackens most of my screen - Mint 17.4 & Xfce Top

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Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
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