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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation [HeadsUp] Ubuntu's Nvidia xorg edgers PPA drivers suck.
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Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] [HeadsUp] Ubuntu's Nvidia xorg edgers PPA drivers suck.
ekrboi English 1 matttbe [Read]
29 June 2014 à 20:57

ekrboi, Wednesday 25 June 2014 à 20:01

Subscription date : 25 June 2014
Messages : 1
I just picked up a new SSD and decided to do a clean install and try out Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon. I like cinnamon a lot.. but anyhow. I usually always just manually install Nvidia drivers from nvidia.com. This time I figured I would give the edgers PPA a go and save a few minutes of my time.. bad idea.. With the 334-340 driver that I tried from them opengl has problems and its not just with cairo dock. My games were not running right either. Cairo dock's icons were going blurry when it wasn't being used, the transparency of the whole dock was not right. If the dock was put to a light background it was almost unusable (ie. bringing up the dock against firefox with a website open that has a light background). I have never had these problems before so I removed the PPA drivers and manually installed using Nvidia's .run package. CD was back to working like it always has for me, and my games were back to normal. I thought there was a problem with Mint and or cinnamon, I did a bunch of searching and ive seen others with similar problems with CD but never really an answer.

So if you are using the edger's PPA for your Nvidia drivers on ubuntu variants STOP IT NOW! Installing from the .run is easy.

matttbe, Sunday 29 June 2014 à 20:57

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Hello and thank you for this comment!

Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] [HeadsUp] Ubuntu's Nvidia xorg edgers PPA drivers suck.
ekrboi English 1 matttbe [Read]
29 June 2014 à 20:57

Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation [HeadsUp] Ubuntu's Nvidia xorg edgers PPA drivers suck. Top

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Powered by ElementSpeak © 2007 Adrien Pilleboue, 2009-2013 Matthieu Baerts.
Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
Many thanks to TuxFamily for the web Hosting and Mav for the domain name.