Translations | Traductions
Guest, Thursday 19 November 2009 à 12:40
i would like to translate the page about the cairo-dock install instructions in italian language,to give the possibility at italian people that do not speak english,french,german... to discover this cool dock.
please answer me if you are interested in.
Best regards,
Andrea |
Guest, Thursday 19 November 2009 à 13:50
ppmt, Thursday 19 November 2009 à 15:29
Subscription date : 29 November 2007
Messages : 3520
Hello Andrea,
you are more than welcome to translate the wiki in Italian
if you need help do not hesitate to ask
To translate a page is easy. I believe you need to register (to be confirmed).
Once you are registered and you go on a Wiki page you first need to check on the left that you don't see the italian flag
if it is there it means that someone already created the if it is not complete or wrong...just click the edit button on the top right of the page
and off you go....
if you don't see your flag on the left side then at the top right of the page there a button called "translate" or "traduire". Click it and select your language,
change the title of the page to be in italian and start translating.
as I say if you need question go ahead and ask |
matttbe, Thursday 19 November 2009 à 16:55
Guest, Friday 20 November 2009 à 00:58
Thank you so much for the answers;
i'm registered few minutes ago and i've began to translate something...
but,i've tried to register at the forum and the wiki too, but i've not found the register module.
do you know where i can find the module?(the login module where i wold like to log in is on the right top of this page)
Thank you again |
ppmt, Friday 20 November 2009 à 03:12
Subscription date : 29 November 2007
Messages : 3520
if you are register for the wiki you are register for all the site |
matttbe, Friday 20 November 2009 à 23:28
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
do you know where i can find the module?(the login module where i wold like to log in is on the right top of this page) There is a Register Link (=> on the top-left of all pages in this website) |
Subscription date : 26 November 2009
Messages : 10
i'm interested too, what are the requirements to translate core and plugins? |
ppmt, Tuesday 01 December 2009 à 20:59
Subscription date : 29 November 2007
Messages : 3520
I believe the only requirement is that you need to have an account with Launchpad
After that you can translate in the language you want. Make sure that you know a bit about the rule for your language
For example French put a space before punctuation like ? ! or : when English don't |
Subscription date : 17 November 2008
Messages : 62
I start to help with italian translation to |
fabounet, Friday 11 December 2009 à 11:32
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
thanks a lot, it really needs it ! |
Subscription date : 25 June 2008
Messages : 7
Sorry for my absence Fab... I've found just yesterday yours translation pages in launchpad!
Now I've translated all the plugins and the dock core in trunk series.
Hope you enjoy this work.
--> Agli italiani che leggono:
- ho sistemato nel core tutte le voci e riportate dalla II persona plurale alla II singolare, più elegante a mio avviso.
- ho portato tutte le voci dall'infinito (mostrare impostare usare etc...) ad una forma di imperativo (mostra imposta usa etc...) sempre per eleganza.
- desktop tradotto come scrivania
- barra/sotto-barra lasciati in inglese, ovvero ritrasportati in dock/sub-dock
- sistemazioni varie (ad es. passaggio da plug-in a plugin, dal plurale applets a applet, visto che in italiano non serve la "s")
- ho cercato di standardizzare il più possibile tutte le voci, dando a parola/frase simile la stessa traduzione (sia nei plugins, che nel core... e ad incrocio tra loro) > e questo capirete bene che è essenziale per non avere una paccottiglia di lavoro!
Ora capisco la volontà di contribuire, ma facciamo un team e diamoci delle direttive, non facciamo le cose alla buona (per non dire di peggio), per piacere!
Altrimenti ciascuno "corrode" il lavoro dell'altro e basta. Ci state? Su launchpad trovate la mia mail sotto Mattia Tavernini... Aspetto vostre notizie! Oppure.. se proprio volete lavorare autonomamente, cercate almeno di vedere quello che il traduttore precedente ha scelto per una parola o una frase. Altrimenti è il delirio!
--> ??
I've told to italian contributors what I've done inside my new revision of core and plugin translations.Also I've exposed the hope for making an italian group for cairo-dock's translation, with some directives for a better it.po's standardization. |
matttbe, Monday 25 January 2010 à 13:15
fabounet, Monday 25 January 2010 à 13:48
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
yeah thanks a lot !
it's really motivating to see the dock being translated in many languages ! |
Guest, Saturday 02 June 2012 à 09:27
Hello there.
I finished translating the Italian version of Cairo-Dock 3.0.1.
I have scrupulously respected the work already done by the contributors and the translation rules.
I ask politely to Italian users to verify my translations, to modify it where necessary or to correct it where wrong.
I also left some sentences to be reviewed but many others of it will need to make double check.
My thanks to the Authors for this wonderful software.
Wonderfulheart |
matttbe, Saturday 02 June 2012 à 10:02
Subscription date : 01 June 2012
Messages : 4
Hello there. Hi matttbe.
I completed the Italian translation of Cairo-Dock plugins, too. I think, however, this needs some revisions.
Wonderfulheart |
matttbe, Wednesday 06 June 2012 à 20:21
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Thanks! |
Subscription date : 01 June 2012
Messages : 4
Hello there. Hi matttbe.
And so, I have finished now to translate in italian the Cairo-Dock plugins extras, too.
Please the italian users to review the terms of my "tweet" translated. Thanks.
Wonderfulheart |
Subscription date : 01 June 2012
Messages : 4
Hi all.
I completed the italian translation of Cairo Dock 3.2.0.
Please italian users to do a review and/or post comments on any errors of translation.
In italiano:
Salve a tutti.
Ho completato la traduzione italiana della Cairo Dock 3.2.0.
Per favore, gli utenti italiani sono gentilmente pregati di fare una revisione e/o inviare osservazioni sugli eventuali errori di traduzione.
Wonderfulheart |
Translations | Traductions